The Classic Dome Awning

Aug 2, 2024 | Products

Variations on the classic dome awning can be found through-out the world, and often at locations housing fine hospitality establishments. While apartment buildings, theaters and places of business will also boast dome awnings over the entrance, the style is in any case  generally associated with an upscale address.

Dome construction in architecture dates back to prehistoric times and may be built of mud, reeds, stone, adobe, wood and even blocks of ice. The dome structure came to symbolize perfection, heaven and eternity. Perhaps this is why domed awnings were brought into popularity in the late 19th century Europe; to somehow set the address under the dome awning above others, to declare that location as being better or more desirable than others in the area.

Visually, the rounded forms of domed awnings are usually in contrast with the building’s architectural lines, which makes them stand out against straight lines and corners. The height of the dome contributes to its visibility and when several are mounted above a line of windows, the effect can be very attractive. In addition to the appealing lines of a domed awning, they are also very effective in shielding the area below from glare and direct sunlight. Here, the awnings have been dressed in cobalt blue to match window trim and flower boxes.

